A Forever Kind of Love

By Christy M. Martin

One of our favorite patients had been in and out of
our small, rural hospital several times, and all of us on
med-surg had grown quite attached to her and her husband.
In spite of terminal cancer and resulting pain, she never
failed to give us a smile or a hug. Whenever her husband
came to visit, she glowed. He was a nice man, very polite
and as friendly as his wife. I had grown quite attached to
them and was always glad to care for her.
I admired their expression of love. Daily, he brought
her fresh flowers and a smile, then sat by her bed as they
held hands and talked quietly. When the pain was too much
and she cried or became confused, he hugged her gently in
his arms and whispered until she rested. He spent every
available moment at her bedside, giving her small sips of
water and stroking her brow. Every night, before he left
for home, he closed the door so they could spend time alone
together. When he was gone, we'd find her sleeping
peacefully with a smile on her lips.
On this night, however, things were different. As
soon as I entered report, the day nurses informed us she
had steadily taken a turn for the worse and wouldn't make
it through the night. Although I was sad, I knew that this
was for the best. At least my friend wouldn't be in pain
any longer.
I left report and checked on her first. When I
entered the room, she aroused and smiled weakly, but her
breathing was labored and I could tell it wouldn't be long.
Her husband sat beside her, smiling, too, and said, "My
Love is finally going to get her reward."
Tears came to my eyes, so I asked if they needed
anything and left quickly. I offered care and comfort
throughout the evening, and at about midnight she passed
away with her husband still holding her hand. I consoled
him and with tears running down his cheeks he said, "May I
please be alone with her for awhile?" I hugged him and
closed the door behind me.
I stood outside the room, blotting my tears and
missing my friend and her smile. And I could feel the pain
of her husband in my own heart. Suddenly from the room
came the most beautiful male voice I have ever heard
singing. It was almost haunting the way it floated through
the halls. All of the other nurses stepped out into the
hallways to listen as he sang "Beautiful Brown Eyes" at the
top of his lungs.
When the tune faded, the door opened and he called to
me. He looked me in the eyes then hugged me saying, "I
sang that song to her every night from the first day we
met. Normally I close the door and keep my voice down so
as not to disturb the other patients. But I had to make
sure she heard me tonight as she was on her way to heaven.
She had to know that she will always be my forever love.
Please apologize to anyone I bothered. I just don't know
how I will make it without her, but I will continue to sing
to her every night. Do you think she will hear me?"
I nodded my head "yes," unable to stop my tears. He
hugged me again, kissed my cheek, and thanked me for being
their nurse and friend. He thanked the other nurses, then
turned and walked down the hall, his back hunched,
whistling the song softly as he went.
As I watched him leave I prayed that I, too, would
someday know that kind of forever love.



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